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New Year Party 2005/2006 for Chinese in Chicago Chinatown

   From Saturday, December 31st 2005
To Sunday, January 1st 2006
from 6:00 PM to 2:00 AM

Furama Restaurant
2828 South Wentworth Ave.
Chicago, IL 60616

Google Map

Cost: Dinner & Dance : $30
Dance Only: $ 15 before 12/30; $20 at door


This party basically consists of 2 sections. The first section includes enjoyment of a full set of dinner and the entertainment shows. In addition, a very special Miss Macro contest is added this year, and the lucky raffle drawing is maintained. This year, the grand prizes for the raffle are escalated and those include round-trip air ticket to Hong Kong and shark-fin dinner set. There are more than 20 prizes to give and the total value of the prizes is of several thousands dollars. The second section mainly is guest dancing for their own enjoyment. With the New Year 2006 count down to cheer up, this celebration will bring the party to the highest spirit ever. As of aiding celebration, Macro will offer a drink of champagne plus all the party favors free of charge.

Event is hosted by: Mid-America Chinese Recreation Organization
Your contact(s) for this event: Chi Meng Lei
Event URL (home): Click here  Previous Homepage: Click here

Please RSVP so we'll know you're coming.


新年將至。  美中華聯决定秉承年舉辦大型晚會的經驗,今年再接再勵,再度籌辦二○○五年之除夕狂FUN飱舞會。  為此,美中華聯己於月前成立籌委會。 除上屆原班策劃人馬之外,今年更多得了一群來自UIC大学的熱忱靑年参加。  一月下來,籌備工作己進行得如火如荼。  美中華聯上下一心,務求將今屆狂FUN晚會攪得有声有色,為華埠居民提供除夕一個絕佳好去處。


據悉,今屆狂FUN晚會己鉄定在十二月卅一晚六時假坐南華埠富麗華海鮮大酒樓舉行。  晚會形式亦可分成二部份。  第一部份包括品嚐除夕大飱及欣赏各項歌舞節目。其間更加插了最美嘉賓美中華聯小姐甄選及幸運抽獎。  是屆獎品極為豐富,極獎為來回香港或國內飛機票及鮑翅全席,獎品數十份總值在數千元之� 。  晚會第二部份當以嘉賓跳舞自娱為主打,配以新年倒數計時之重頭戲,當揭起當晚狂FUN飱舞會之最高潮。  際此舉杯狂慶之夜,美中華聯除﹜免费提供新年玩品之外,更奉送每位來賓香檳酒一杯,大肆慶祝。


是次晚會, 歷來均有數佰人参加。  為免向隅,市民自當儘早購票為宜。  飱舞會整套票價為$35  如只参加舞會,票價則為$15  另幸運抽獎券每張二元整。  購票地點:華埠廣場: 唯美影視 312-326-3222   南華埠: 富麗華酒樓 312-225-6888  西北郊:金寶酒樓 847-885-0888   詳情可電郵:cmleii@yahoo.com 查詢。

Mid-West American Chinese Recreational Organization


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The Page Last Modified: 10/28/2007
